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Natural Monascus Red Pigment

Product name: Natural Monascus Red Pigment, Natural Monascus Red

CAS NO. 39944-62-2

Appearance: water soluble, dark red liquid and powder

Features: good heat resistance and ordinary light resistance. It has less resistance to light in acidic liquid and weak color reaction to pH value.

Range of application: It is exclusively used for meat products like hot dogs and beef. It can also used for ice cream, candy, seafood, and canned goods. It is quite effective for coloring sauce.

Recommended dosage: It is filled according to different production needs. The ratio is usually 0.2‰~2‰.

Packing: Aluminium cases (powder): 1kg*1bag=10kg/case
Plastic cans (liquid):1kg*20bottlles=20kg/case    5kg*4bottles=20kg/case

Attention: Due to the bad resistance to light, the products that needs high light resistance should be colored with caution, except for meat products, seafood, and canned products.

Storage and transportation conditions:The product must be sealed in dark, dry and cool place to save.

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