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Direct Blue 86

Additional Product Details

Product Name: Direct Blue 86
C.I. No.: 74180
CAS No.: 1330-38-7
Molecular Formula:C32H14CuN8Na2O6S2
Molecular Weight: 780.17
Relatived Names:
Direct fast turquoise blue GL,acid blue 87,aizen primula turquoise blue gl,amafast turquoise 8ggl,amanil fast turquoise,amanil fast turquoise lb,arlazol fast turquoise blue 6gn,atlantic fast turquoise lga,Erionyl Turquoise A-G,Iragon Blue DBL 86.
Shade: colourful green light blue. Gray blue to blue powder. Soluble in water of the lake blue solution.

Direct Blue 86 Physical Properties and light fastness, solubility.

Direct Blue 86
Density 1.60
Dyeing Depth % 2
Light Fastness 2
Washing Fatness 2
Rubbing Fastness(dry) 4
Rubbing Fastness(wet) 3

Direct Blue 86 application:

Mainly used for silk things viscose dyeing and printing, also used in viscose fabric and twisted silk and silk fabric dyeing. Also can be used for leather and paper dyeing, also can be used in the manufacture of organic pigment sediment color.

Note: The data contained here are based on our current knowledge and experience. It is the responsibility of user to test our products before the final application.

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