Home > Basic dye > BASIC ORANGE 2


Additional Product Details

Product Name:BASIC ORANGE 2
C.I. No.: 11270
CAS No.: 532-82-1
Molecular Formula: C12H13ClN4
Molecular Weight: 248.71

Shade: yellow

Relative name:
1,3-Benzenediamine,4-(phenylazo)-, monohydrochloride (9CI);C.I. Basic Orange 2 (6CI);C.I. Basic Orange2, monohydrochloride (8CI);2,4-Diaminoazobenzene hydrochloride;AstraChrysoidine R;1,3-Benzenediamine,4-(2-phenyldiazenyl)-, hydrochloride (1:1);Brasilazina Orange Y;C.I. 11270;Chrysoidine;Chrysoidine A;Chrysoidine B;Chrysoidine C;Chrysoidine J;Chrysoidine PRR;Chrysoidine YN;Chrysoidine orange;Diazocard Chrysoidine G;Nippon Kagaku Chrysoidine;Sugai Chrysoidine;Tertrophene Brown CG;Verona Chrysoidine GN;

Basic orange 2 Physical Properties and light fastness.

Basic orange 2
Light Fastness 1
Perspiration Fastness(fading) 2
Perspiration Fastness(stain) 1
Soaping(fading) 1
Soaping(stain) 3-4

Basic orange 2 Properties:

yellow orange to orange. Flash palm red crystallization or sand piece, melting point 118 ~ 118.5 ℃ for yellow orange soluble in water, soluble in ethanol and soluble fiber element, slightly soluble in acetone, insoluble in benzene. The strong sulfuric acid for yellow, diluted for orange; The solution for orange in nitric acid. The dye solution sodium hydroxide solution to generate palm red precipitate. Dye tannins mordant dyeing cotton fiber in the yellow orange for, in tungsten light more bright-coloured.

Basic orange 2 Application:

Used for silk, wool, acrylic, tannin mordant dyeing cotton dyeing and printing, direct discharge printing. In addition, also used in leather, paper, feathers, plants and bamboo products dyeing.


Note: The data contained here are based on our current knowledge and experience. It is the responsibility of user to test our products before the final application.

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